Selecting indoor plants/trees should be fun and exciting. Plants/trees adds life to your space, reinforces colors and textures, and enhances the esthetics and ambience of your home and office space. Our goal is to help you evaluate and understand the type of plants that are best for your space, your evolving personal and professional schedule, and nontoxic plants for your pet.

Most indoor plants are tropical, which means that they will vary in the type of light, amount of water, level of humidity, and temperature needed to strive in its new environment, whether that is in the office or home.

When visiting Micro Plant Studio, we will be asking you a few basic questions which will guide the process of narrowing down the ideal plants to survive in its new environment. Bringing along pictures and video of your space will help with the plant selection process. What should I consider when making my plant decision? Consider the following:


Not all plants need direct sunlight. Some plants only need filtered bright, medium or low light. Some can be exposed to a range of light. Exposing the plant to the proper type and amount of light will help it strive year-around.


  • What type of light will the plant be exposed to? Natural light, ambient light or both? Filtered natural light? Direct sunlight? Reflective light? Grow lights?
  • Use our  PLANT FILTER TOOL to explore plants by type of light


  • Is natural light obstructed by buildings and trees?
  • What type of window treatment do you have? Windows with shades? Windows with blinds? Windows covered with sun control film?
  • How much exposure will the plant receive from direct or bright light throughout the day?


  • Some plants need more lights than others. For the plant that you are thinking to purchase for your space, would it get enough ambient or natural light?
  • Approximately, how much direct sunlight, filtered light or ambient light the plants will the plant be exposed throughout the day?


Identifying the ideal space for your plant is key to its overall health. A few factors that should be considered when selecting a plant for your space are space dimensions, light, temperature, humidity, and who will come in contact with the plant.


  • Where would you like to display your plant/tree?
  • Do you have enough vertical and horizontal physical space for the plant to flourish/grow without any restriction?
  • Are you placing the plant by the window, window seal, middle of the room, or across the room from the window?
    • Would it get enough ambient or natural light?


  • Can I access the plant to water it, dust off leaves, remove any yellowing leaves, and rotate it?


  • Where is the AC and heating system located? Direct heat and AC damages the leaves.
  • Will the plants be placed by a window or door? Make sure they are not exposed to a cold draft, it could kill your plant.
  • What is the temperature (cold, warm or hot) and humidity (dry or humid) of the space? Some plants will get torched by the dry heat/temperatures but others will strive. Some plants prefer humidity and others prefer dryness.


  • Who will come in contact/interact with the plant? Do you have pets? Some plants are toxic to pets. Take a look at some of the pet friendly plants at Micro Plant Studio.


Not all plants requires watering on a weekly basis. Depending on the season of the year and type of plant, water frequency will vary. When selecting a plant, ask yourself how much time will you have to care for the plants.


  • Do you want plants that you water on a weekly basics, every two weeks or every three weeks?  Some plants are drought resistant, which means you water them less.


  • When selecting a plant, think of your personal and professional schedule. Do you travel a lot for work or are you mostly working locally? Based on your schedule, which plant will be much easier to care for? Some plants require a greater commitment and others less of a commitment.


  • Who will be taking care of the plant/tree? (Checkout Micro Plant Studio plant services HERE)
  • Do you want to share responsibility for caring for the plant?
  • How will you keep track of when the plant was watered?


Plants can be used to enhance the aesthetics and ambiance of your space. Plants come in a broad range of structures, sizes, and colors. They add life, textures, and architectural elements to the space.


  • What visual statement you want to make with your plants?
  • Do you want the plant to be the main focal point of the space?
  • Do you want large plants, smaller plants or both?


  • How big or small of a plant/tree you prefer? A structured or free form plant? A plant/tree that grows vertical or horizontal? Do you want a plant/tree that has a slim body but leafy on top? Or a Bush?
  • What type of leaves you prefer? A plant/tree with big leaves or small leaves? With colorful leaves? Leaves with smooth or uneven edges?


  • Once you have decided on the type of plant you want and where it will be placed, take some time to select a container to display your plants/trees that helps celebrate its beauty. How would you like to the plant displayed? From the ceiling? In a planter or plant stand? Small pots/containers?
  • When selecting a pot, think of the materials and how it will compliment your color scheme and textures in the room. For example, a planter can be used to elevate your plant, making the plant appear to be much taller than what it actually is.
  • Also, you might want to consider if you want the soil be exposed or covered with pebbles (small rocks).
  • Micro Plant Studio carries gorgeous pots, planters, plant stands, and other plant containers that are available in a broad range of colors, sizes, and shapes. Take a look at them HERE.