5 Succulent Plants for Travelers

Having plants in your home or working space can bring many benefits. Not only do they enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the environment, but they also contribute to our physical and mental well-being. Despite our busy and fast-paced lifestyles, finding the time to plant care can take time and effort. This is especially true for urban city residents who are constantly on the move. To address this, we have curated a list of five low-maintenance plants that thrive indoors without requiring direct sunlight or frequent watering. These plants are ideally suited for individuals living in urban areas, allowing them to enjoy the presence of greenery without the need for extensive care.


Super easy succulents to care for and enjoy at home or office!

Most plants listed below will need watering about every 1.5 – 2 weeks.
The soil must be almost or fully dry, and the light should be bright to medium.
If you are traveling for more than two weeks and need help caring for plants that require frequent watering,
you might want to consider our plant care service.

ZZ (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia) Plant

ZZ plants belong to the succulent family and are incredibly low-maintenance. They thrive in various light conditions, from bright to low, and are not affected by low humidity. Even if you sometimes forget to water them, ZZ plants can survive. However, proper care for ZZ plants involves watering them when half of the soil is dry and using regular houseplant fertilizer during the warm season, which is from April to September for residents on the East Coast. The watering cycle should be about every 1.5 to 2 weeks. This makes them ideal for those who travel for around two weeks! During its growth season, the plant will shoot new growth!

Ginny Peperomia

Peperomia plants are pet-friendly and come in a broad range of colors:  solid green leaves, variegated white and green leaves, and green, pink, and off-white leaves, as shown in the photo. Caring for Peperomia is super easy. It does best in filtered bright light and should be protected from direct sunlight. Before watering, ensure the topsoil is dry and the bottom soil is moist but not wet. The overall temperature of your space should be in the 60s, with warm temperatures and medium to high humidity. Not frost tolerant. Keep away from drafty windows and direct sunlight. Through its lifetime, this plant will become a lush bush! 

Melocactus Pachyacanthus

If you like super easy plants to care for, cacti are the plants for you! Melocactus is pet-friendly and enjoys well-drained soil, bright light, and passing direct sunlight. Their soil must be very well-drained. During the growing season from March to September, cacti will grow rapidly. Water them as any other houseplant that prefers to dry slightly between waterings. You will be watering it every 2 weeks. In winter, while the plants are dormant, they should be allowed to get very dry between waterings, which means you water them every month. Keep away from cold drafts, AC, and direct heaters. With proper care, this cactus will grow a flower and delicious, tasty fruit! 

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has the capability to thrive indoors, with its growth being contingent upon exposure to bright light. Prolonged direct sunlight may have detrimental effects on the plant’s well-being, thus it is advisable to provide ample bright light to facilitate its healthy growth. Inadequate light can lead to the plant developing a leggy appearance and losing its compact form. Before watering, it is essential to verify that the soil is entirely dry to prevent root rot. Using a chopstick to ascertain dryness at the base of the soil is recommended. During the dormant period from September to April, it is sufficient to water the plant approximately once a month. During the warm season, water it approximately every 2-3 weeks. 


Snake plants, also known as Mother-in-Law Tongue plants, are low-maintenance and don’t require frequent watering. They thrive in compacted spaces, growing vertically and showcasing shades of green and yellow. They are great for narrow spaces. With adequate bright light, they can grow tall and produce multiple offspring. Minimal care is needed, with watering required only when the soil is mostly dry. It’s important to keep them away from direct sunlight, air conditioning, and heat systems for optimal growth.