Outdoor Plant Styling Consultation

Are you thinking about adding plants to your outdoor entrance, terrace, or balcony? Do you know which plants will thrive based on the amount of light exposure in the space? Are you aware of which plants can be combined based on their light and watering needs? Do you need pet-friendly outdoor plants? What about plants that are low-maintenance? Our service is here to answer these questions and help you create a plan to bring your vision of incorporating plants into your outdoor space to life. We believe that every space should have plants and pots that complement its unique architectural features and contribute to the desired atmosphere.

What is plant styling? The process of providing technical support with assessing the space and decorating it with potted plants (if you have pets, with pet-friendly plants) that will look and live their best lives in your outdoor spaces. We go in and evaluate plant distance in relation to direct sunlight, bright light, shaded areas, and outdoor furniture. We help you pair plants with the same care and light and with pots, planters, or plant stands that fit your aesthetics and lifestyle. 

We will be considering the following areas:

  • Understanding lifestyle and use of space 
  • Determining the number of plants and pots required
  • Evaluating the size of the space in relation to plant size and structure (vertical vs. horizontal)
  • Identifying the type of light exposure for plants: direct sun or shade
  • Deciding whether the work should be done onsite, offsite, or a combination of both
  • Addressing any questions the client may have

Process Steps:

  • Step one: During the outdoor space consultation, Micro Plant Studio personnel will tour the outdoor space with you to help identify the best location for plants. The consultation is based on an hour, and additional minutes can be added during your booking. The non-refundable fee of $350 covers the first hour and steps one and two.
  • Step two: The client will receive a projected price list for plants, pots, and other project-related fees. The final budget will depend on the number and size of plants and pots needed to meet the expectations of the project.
  • Step three: Purchasing plants and pots. All materials and labor should be paid before the order of plants is placed/picked up at the greenhouse. Once the items have been picked up, they can be added but not removed. A 35% restocking fee will be charged for each item returned.
  • Step 4: Repot plants on or off-site, and deliver and install potted plants.

If you want to save time and avoid lengthy discussions, you can choose the outdoor planter service and allow the plant consultant full control. This will expedite the process by empowering the plant consultant to make creative decisions within the projected budget. They will ask you a few brief questions and rely on their expertise to meet the deadline promptly.


Project Location: Boston Seaport