

Select the colors of the roses for your bouquet!

Rose color of your bouquet

None Yellow Roses White Roses Red Roses Hot Pink Roses Pink Roses Lavender (Light Purple)

Would you like add a glass vase or a hydrated foam?

Add a clear glass vase for $22.00 or hydrated foam for $8.00.

Which vase would you like with your floral arrangement? Select green box for NO VASE.

Please note, the floral arrangement comes wrapped in tissue paper and clear cello. If you select a vase, the vase and the flowers will come separate, not arranged/assembled.

None Clear vase 8" +$22.00 Cylinder 9"-12" +$22.00 Hydrated Foam +$8.00 No Vase $0.00

Would you like us to assemble/arrange your flowers in the vase?

If yes, please select the foam block. Only choose this option if you did not select a vase.

None Hydrated Floral Foam +$8.00

Includes wrapping (tissue or clear wrapping), bag/box, ribbon, and card.

Keep the message to three short sentences.

Show your amor (love) to that special person. Red roses with seasonal greenery. As anyone who has been in love knows, roses are as integral a part of any love story as the first kiss. Send roses to the love of your life today: it’s always the right thing to do.

  • Long stem roses
  • Includes seasonal greenery
  • Packaged carefully with water tubes to ensure lasting blooms.
  • Arrangement size will vary on the number of flowers

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