7 Pet-Friendly Plants: Safety First

Our beloved cats and dogs are more than just pets – they are cherished members of our family. Like little babies, they are naturally curious and require our care and attention. We strive to teach them not to nibble on plants, but sometimes, their curiosity gets the best of them, risking their health. When bringing new plants into our homes, we often wonder if they are safe for our furry friends or if they could threaten their well-being. Before adding any new greenery to your space, always make sure to inquire about its safety for pets. When in doubt, it’s better to err on the side of caution. Additionally, feel free to explore our selection of non-toxic plants at Micro Plant Studio, where we prioritize the well-being of your beloved pets. Here are 7 pet-friendly plants you can confidently welcome into your home, knowing they won’t harm your animals.


There are so many cute plants that are pet-friendly,
nontoxic to your pet.

Always seek out plants that resonate with you, ensuring they bring joy without posing any harm to your furry friend!
There are many plant options that are nontoxic, including succulents and tropical plants.

Money Tree (Pachira aquatica)

Money Trees are not only super easy to care for, but most importantly, they are pet-friendly! Native to Central and South America, this unassuming house plant can grow up to 60 feet tall in its natural habitat (but don’t worry, it won’t get that big in your home!). Ensure the tree is planted in a well-draining potting mix; it should have perlite, which helps regulate the soil’s moisture. When watering, make sure the soil is fully dried from top to bottom between watering cycles. The soil should be bone dry.  If you are unsure if the soil is wet or dry, use a chopstick to confirm. The tree does not like being placed in direct sunlight because it will get burnt. For even growth, rotate the tree every two weeks.  Place the tree in bright, indirect light away from AC, heating vents, and drafty areas. Add plant food during the spring and summer months. Prune as needed or keep it shaped like a bonsai plant.

Pilea Peperomioides (Chinese Money Plant or the Friendship Plant)

Pilea, originally from the Yunnan Province in Southern China, is known for its distinctive circular leaves and slender leaf stalk, making it a striking addition to any plant collection. This succulent is a perfect choice for pet owners, as it is non-toxic to animals. Caring for Pilea is relatively easy! It thrives in bright light but should be shielded from direct sunlight to prevent damage to its lush foliage. Rotate the plant every two weeks to ensure foliage grows evenly. It’s essential to water the plant only when the topsoil is mostly dry, ensuring that the bottom soil is moist but not waterlogged. Watering should occur approximately every 1.5 weeks. The plant grows vertically; as it grows, the leaves will get bigger–show stopper! Another remarkable feature of this plant is its ability to produce offspring, which can be propagated and shared with friends and family. How amazing is that!

Maranta Leuconeura (Prayer Plant)

If you like super easy plants to care for, cacti are the plants for you! Melocactus is pet-friendly and enjoys well-drained soil, bright light, and passing direct sunlight. Their soil must be very well-drained. During the growing season from March to September, cacti will grow rapidly. Water them as any other houseplant that prefers to dry slightly between waterings. You will be watering it every 2 weeks. In winter, while the plants are dormant, they should be allowed to get very dry between waterings, which means you water them every month. Keep away from cold drafts, AC, and direct heaters. With proper care, this cactus will grow a flower and delicious, tasty fruit! 

Spider Plants (Chlorophytum)

When caring for your Spider or Airplane plant (Chlorophytum), it’s important to note that these plants should not be confused with air plants or ferns. Spider plants are distinctive for arching green or green-and-white striped leaves and stems that produce baby plants at their tips. Native to tropical West Africa, from Cameroon and Ethiopia to South Africa, these expressive plants are incredibly easy to propagate. You can hang them or place them on a bookcase or table, and they thrive best when positioned in a space that receives bright, natural, or strong ambient light. Avoiding direct sunlight is crucial, as it can lead to burning foliage. In winter, it’s best to wait until the soil is mostly dry before watering, while in warmer weather, watering frequently is necessary to maintain the plant’s health. It is a nontoxic plant that cats love to play with. You will be surprised if you find your cat lying under the plant, playing or eating the plant! 

Calathea Peacock (Calathea Makoyana)

Calathea plants are a fantastic choice if you want to introduce texture, pattern, and elegance to your living space. Native to parts of tropical Latin America, these plants were brought to Hawaii and can grow to over 1.5 feet with the right care and light. Their leaves are sensitive to direct sunlight and prefer filtered light, similar to the conditions found under the lower part of large trees. When caring for Calathea indoors, make sure to provide bright, indirect light and avoid direct sunlight. Depending on the humidity of the soil, water them once or twice a week, and consider placing them in high-humidity areas like well-lit bathrooms or kitchens. Avoid watering the plant when the bottom of the soil is very wet, and keep them away from drafts, cold, and heat systems. Additionally, it’s best to keep them in warm spaces and mist the leaves once or twice a week for optimal growth.

Echeveria Purpusorum Rose A.Berger

Echeveria, a pet-friendly succulent, can be found in semi-desert areas of Central America, Mexico, and Northwestern South America. The Echeveria family encompasses a variety of colors, including pink, blue, and green. Urban city dwellers are attracted to these plants because their structure resembles a juicy flower. One of the amazing surprises of these specific plants is they produce flowers and are super easy to program. The tip rose color of the leaves will vary depending on the amount of light exposure and heat. While some Echeveria types can tolerate direct sunlight, others can only tolerate bright, strong light. When caring for this plant indoor door make sure to to place them by a window the received natural bright light, if not the plant will start getting leggy and lose the overall compact structure. Watering for thes plants should be when the soil is bone dry. Use a soil to test soil wetness. Ovearll, during the cold seaon succulents are weatered less frequest and during the warm season, growth seaon, you water them more frequently, almost every two weeks.

Neanthe Bella Palm

The Bella Palm, native to the rainforests of Southern Mexico and Guatemala, is an air-purifying plant that helps cleanse the air by removing toxins and impurities. This tropical plant is known for promoting a healthier and more refreshing atmosphere. It’s worth noting that while the Bella Palm is a delightful addition to any space, it’s important to keep it away from pets as they may be attracted to it as a plaything or snack. In terms of care, this palm thrives indoors with minimal effort. Keep the soil moist, watering when the top 1″ is dry, and ensure it gets bright filtered light. With these conditions, the Bella Palm will grow and thrive happily in your indoor space.