We are currently on the lookout for an architectural firm that can help us bring our flagship studio to life. It’s incredibly important for us to find the right fit, as we’re aiming to create a functional and inviting space in the heart of Downtown Boston – a true urban oasis. As we delve into this search, we’ve come to understand that some firms are more inclined towards larger projects, while others are better suited for smaller ones. At the core of our values is a deep appreciation for collaboration with other artists. We’re seeking a partnership with a firm that not only shares our vision but also grasps the limitations of our budget and is willing to work patiently with us. From a design standpoint, we strongly believe that the space itself has a significant impact on behavior and emotions, so it’s crucial that we get it right. Essentially, we want to craft a space that exudes happiness and warmth, making everyone who enters feel truly welcomed. Luckily, through Julio’s connections, we’ve had the good fortune of being introduced to a few architectural firms.

As a result, we narrowed down the process to three outstanding firms for consideration. The design phase, a crucial part of our project, represents a significant financial commitment as it informs the buildout process and cost that leads to the opening of our flagship studio. The selection of the exemplary architecture firm is paramount, given the substantial financial investment in launching a business and the total number of hours the architect and his team will spend with Julio in the design process. When looking for a firm, please be clear with your vision, try to understand their working style, and see if it’s a match with your approach. We are excited to select a firm that is able to dream with us but also helps us stay within budget by providing us with options of possible layouts and materials and elevating our concept. Cheers to a fun selection process.

Our goal is to finalize the selection of a firm by mid-August 2025


  • Ask other business owners whom they have worked with.
  • Ask customers if they know an architectural firm.
  • Request for a projected budget and compare pricing.
  • Check references and portfolios of firms.
  • Keep firms informed of the selection process.





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